Monday, January 14, 2019

B-Day approaches

Tomorrow is a big day. Parliament will be voting on the deal Mrs May has arrived at with the EU. From what I understand she's likely to lose the vote as the deal pleases almost no-one.

As a remainer I would be pleased if the government would just turn around and say, 'We've carefully considered all the options and we've presented the best deal to you. What we intend to do now is what we consider best for the country: revoke Article 50 and stay in the EU.'

That's not likely to happen.

Indeed, if it were to, there would be trouble. Brexiteers are already threatening violence and riots. That's the problem you see. We Remainers show our anger by signing online petitions, writing to our MP and, if we're really cross, to The Times. The other side, well, I don't want to stereotype but ...

In happier news I had seven forms of heart-attack while walking alongside Swansea canal with GrandSon4 this morning. His insistence that, 'Ardo* do it,' was pretty determined even when it meant leaning over the muddy edge of the bank to throw in a stick. (*His name is Leonardo.) As was his insistence that I pick up an old Doritos packet that was flying around and, 'put in bin.' He's going to be a ferocious eco warrior when he grows up.
Read carefully.

Also I can't help but compare his hair with mine. I have to pay loads of money to have highlights like his put in.
natural highlights in hair
Meanwhile over on notanotherwannabewriter I continue to struggle to get to grips with connecting with people on social media, a small detail that is essential if I am to 'increase my audience.' 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wish Britain all the best! You're going to need it, one way or the other, I think.

wherethejourneytakesme said...

I would like to remain - I know a lot of leavers that would like to remain now too as they did not realise the full consequences of leaving at the time. Would someone tell me again why we are leaving in the first place??

Liz Hinds said...

I think so, Debra. WE're in for a rough ride.

Fear tactics and power-seeking by MPs maybe, wherethejourneytakesme. (I find out your name as it takes ages to write that!)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I don't believe that there will actually be a vote tonight. That **** woman will wriggle out of it again. Though there is always a chance that she'll turn up as Brown Owl ……..

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

When the result was announced she had her fingers in her ears and was singing La-La-La-la....