Friday, December 07, 2018

What part of me is not working today?

A fun time yesterday with GrandSon4 in the InflataPark. Lots of bouncing and falling and jumping into ball pits.

GrandSon4 is still at the age when he's happy to sit on arcade rides just because they're fun - and I don't have to put any money in. We spent an enjoyable fifteen minutes on the dance machine without spending anything.

Followed by a trip to Sainsburys it was a good morning out.

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Our local pharmacy has a poster in its window offering 'Free flu jab or £10'. I went in and asked for my free £10 but they wouldn't give it to me.

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The battle continues to keep Mr Squirrel off my fat balls. I carefully placed a large stone over the top of the feeder; he simply pushed it to one side.
I've added another stone and I'm hoping that he won't use it as a weapon against me.

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I've spent a few days feeling vaguely dissatisfied with myself, that old familiar voice in my head telling me I'm not doing well enough. I wish I wasn't so open to hearing the voice as it's hard to fight once in its started.

I've decided that, in order to make life simpler for me, I won't do or go to a couple of events that I fancied. If I go it will put extra pressure on me so i'm going to be sensible. Although is it sensible to miss out on things I'd like to do?

There's part of me that says, 'yes, you should do the things you want to do,' otherwise what's the point? But the things I'm doing instead of the things I want to do aren't things I don't want to do. (If you follow that.) So I think it's okay.

You see I can beat myself up even when I'm looking after me. I'm a lost cause!

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Rosalie commented on Facebook about how much she enjoyed The Kominsky Method on Netflix. We're very much enjoying it too. It's just a shame it's been such a short series. I've never found Michael Douglas as attractive as he is in this. Must be a sign of age.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I must watch "The Kominsky Method" -- it looks like a hoot!

If I may offer some advice . . . when you hear that nagging, critical inner voice, just close your eyes, take a deep cleansing breath or two, and then tell it to FUCK OFF in huge fluorescent letters. Repeat as necessary. Life is too short to put up with that tyranny.

Liz Hinds said...

It's excellent, Debra. And thanks for the good advice. x

Anonymous said...

As the line of dialogue said, "At half your age she's still an old woman." At any rate, at age 57, Nancy Travis is much too young to be playing opposite 74-year-old Michael Douglas - or did I get something wrong? The look of the two of them, together, jars me.
Cop Car

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I'm just trying to convince myself to get started with all the Christmas-y things … in fact, I've been doing it all week. And I will … on Monday. This time of year's so dark and grey which really doesn't help. I need more soup.
(Michael Douglas always looked ancient).

Liz Hinds said...

It doesn't bother me, CopCar, I just like to see them making fun of themselves.

Oh, it's a horrid day here today, Sonata. My plans to do lots of shopping fell by the wayside very early.