Sunday, December 30, 2018

Get a dog and smile more

An article on the BBC website about New Year resolutions set me thinking.

The article pointed out that people often set too many goals and quickly fail at all of them. So the advice given by one professor was to be more self-aware. (Yes, I know studying our own navels and self-obsession are gradually leading to the downfall of society but this is slightly different.)

By understanding your emotions we can make better choices, by playing to our strengths and working on our weaknesses. 

Another professor suggested concentrating on being happier. The theory is that if we are happier we will be more likely to succeed so this professor recommended thinking of one thing in our life that makes us unhappy and try to do something to improve it.

The article also recommended getting a dog, smiling more and getting enough sleep. So a fairly sensible article on the whole.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Get a dog??? That's cat discrimination!

Liz Hinds said...

It makes you get out and exercise, Debra! It's nothing cat-personal. Or get into the habit of parking as far away as possible in the supermarket car park etc.

Polly said...

I have two lovely dogs, I smile a lot but sleep is sometimes erratic due to hot flushes! Two out of three is good though :-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

I agree with them about smiling more, it does make everything much more agreeable. Even going to the supermarket …. especially going to the supermarket!

Furtheron said...

My daughter found that there are vestibule disorder assistance dogs apparently and golden retrievers are good at it. She's keeping on at me that I should look into getting one