Thursday, November 08, 2018

'Just call me Mean Eyes'

On our walk this afternoon I noticed a cat across the road. I could tell from George's body language that he had seen it too. There was a moment's impasse. Then the cat scampered away.
'Wow, George,' I said, 'you scared him away with just a look.'
George gave a debonair eyebrow raise. 'That's why they call me Mean Eyes.'
I looked at him. 'Nobody calls you Mean Eyes.'
For a moment he looked discombobulated then he said, 'The cats do!'

I couldn't bear to rain on his parade so I apologised for not knowing. He graciously accepted my apology and we continued the walk with a renewed vigour in George's stride.

We all have to make believe.

And here for your delectation, the debonair George and Mr Clooney.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

The likeness is uncanny.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

George Clooney certainly won the Good Looks Lottery.