Saturday, September 29, 2018


'These people who sit talking to themselves do look silly.'
As I say this I realise that the man is in fact talking on his phone while I am the one talking to myself.

I'd thought doing some yesterday morning but then Nuora said they were going to Blackpill and did I want to join them. Let's see, cleaning the bathroom or playing with GrandSon4? No competition. 

Nuora planned on cycling from Mumbles so I walked down to meet them at Blackpill. Time passed and I began to wonder if I'd missed them somehow. I took lots of photos to pass my time and sat in the sunshine for a while.

I didn't have a watch so I didn't know how late they were but it seemed quite a long time I'd been waiting. I also had no means of contacting them or of them contacting me. It's times like these that make me think, 'I really should carry my phone on me.'

They turned up. Nuora had had to repair a flat tyre and then fight against a surprisingly strong wind. And then we had fun.

These michelmas daisies in Clyne Gardens were positively humming with busy bees. I stuck my head in hoping one of them would recognise me and say, 'Mummy,' but they didn't.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Perhaps they were all quietly saying "Hummmmy"?

Liz Hinds said...

That's it, of course, sonata! I knew they recognised me really.