Saturday, June 16, 2018

Andale! Andale!

Listening to BBC Radio Wales in the car this morning on my around-Swansea hunt for gluten-free wraps. I dislike Owen Money but he plays good music, the music of my generation. It's largely a request show and most of the requests are for birthdays for people who are in their sixties and seventies.
'What a lot of old people,' I was thinking when it occurred to me that I am of that age, that era, one of them.

But I'm not old!

But if someone on the radio says, 'I'd like this played is for my husband, Johnny, who's sixty-five today,' I don't relate to that. It's like a block in my brain. Sixty-five is old. I am sixty-five but I am not old. Everyone else may be but not me.

Incidentally if you see the word underlay do you immediately start saying, 'Underlay, underlay, underlay'?
speedy gonzales

Not that I'm old or anything.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Old? Heavens no, that's other people!
That overexcited mouse has just eaten a taco too many ...

nick said...

No, I only say underlay once. However, if either Jenny or I says something is tasty, this sets off a rousing chorus of "Tasty, tasty, very very tasty".