Friday, May 25, 2018

Falling out of trees

I've noticed that a number of bloggers I follow are posting irregularly if at all these days. I suppose life gets in the way often.

My posting is just as irregular in that I'll go for a few days without and then splurge as I did yesterday and write loads of posts. For Lent I resolved to write on my blog each day (I think. Or am I imagining it?) And I'm going to try that again. I don't know what it is. Sometimes I'll sit down with the intention of blogging and then make excuses: a typical writer in fact!

But I do enjoy blogging and finding topics - as opposed to my usual ramblings - will be a good challenge for me.

One thing puzzles me though. I called in at Stu's blog yesterday and he had written about updating his blog-roll so obviously i checked to see if I were still on it. I am. But why? All the other bloggers are intelligent, witty, politically-, scientifically-, or bike-minded, and generally not like me. I am probably a bit of fluff - in the nicest sense of the word - or light relief, in the middle.

Anyway I was going to tell you about my massage last night. 

Hannah, my fitness teacher, asked on Facebook yesterday if anyone was free and wanted a massage in the evening. I nearly fell off my seat in my rush to say, 'Yes!'

She is a student and needed someone on who she could practise. She's learning sports massage and when I arrived she asked me basic questions about health and any aches, so I told her about my shoulder. 

It's not been the same since I didn't exactly fall out of a tree (left) about eighteen months ago. Lowering myself out of the tree I discovered that the ground was a bit further away than I had anticipated so it had a jerking, pulling effect on my shoulder.

Between them Hannah and the teacher narrowed it down so that in all likelihood the muscle affected is the alterior deltoid. (Possibly. I may have that wrong.) Hannah was able to suggest exercises that would help it regain it springiness. It's stretched but if you stretch it a bit more the chances are that it will spring back further than its starting point. Does that make sense? That's the way I understood it although my terminology is a translation.

I'm definitely going to have some more massages from Hannah. Because it's a college and students are practising it's a lot cheaper than a fancy salon. But it smells as nice.


Ole Phat Stu said...

Liz, as an Atheist, it is my moral reponsibility to give air time (via a link on my blogroll) to a religious person. Freedom os speech, OK?
And you are the least nutty one I know ;-)

If you want me to remove the link, because it makes you uncomfortable, I will :-)

Liz Hinds said...

Not at all. I'm flattered to be there!