Monday, January 29, 2018

I have such an understanding husband

'Husband dear,' I said.
'You know you've painted the bedroom the colour I chose?'
'Um, I don't like it.'
'Par for the course.'

Husband is used to repainting my bad choices. Not that I think they're bad when I make them; they just look different on the wall. That's my excuse.

Here is our bedroom as it was.
And here it is now in the colour I don't like.
Watch this space for how it finally turns out.

So this morning we've been to B&Q for paint (Husband) and Sainsburys for food (me). On our return, after putting away the food, Husband said, 'Do you want a cup of tea?'
'I've already made it,' I said.
'Oh good.' 
Husband poured it. 'It's a bit weak,' he said. I'd forgotten to put in any tea.

He's now made a pot of tea. With a teabag this time.

I have such an understanding husband.


nick said...

Do you not get a few paint samples and try them out on the wall? Paint always looks different from the brochure when you've painted a whole wall with it. Mind you, sometimes even the sample on the wall can look different from the final result....

Sharon said...

I have to agree on all counts.

Liz Hinds said...

No, Nick. I used to but now i have confidence in my choices!

Indeed, Sharon.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

A couple of dozen cups of tea later and it'll all look perfect .

Liz Hinds said...

It will, Sonata, it will.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Once you have your bed and all soft furnishims in the room with POPS of colour it will look great.. so much better than the first colour. You make the paint colour?