Saturday, December 30, 2017

A singular sorrow

So it's all over.

Our visitors have gone, nearly all the left-overs have been eaten, and all we're left with with is a pile of washing and dishes. And as usual I am left with a feeling of ... emptiness. It won't last long I know but while it does ...

ice cream at verdi'sMuch later
I stopped writing because I was feeling too dreary. But a trip to Verdi's with GrandSon4 complete with ice cream (yes, I know I'm on a diet but I'll explain now in a minute) cheered me up no end.

That's hazelnut and honeycomb ice cream with cream and a flake if you're interested.

So, yes, I'm on a diet but as someone wrote on the Slimming World Facebook page, 'It's not what happens between Christmas and New Year that matters; it's what happens between New Year and Christmas.'

So as my diet went to pot starting last Sunday with the curry buffet at Mumbai I was only rounding off a week of synning really today. Tomorrow it's back to the frylight and no cheese. Definitely.

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