Thursday, October 26, 2017

A new purpose or rather a rediscovered purpose

library book shelves
Sometimes I go to the library and find nothing I want to read. No, actually, that's not true: I always find something. But sometimes I find too many books that are all begging to be read. Like today.

I ended up borrowing four including one new book that's on one week loan so I have to read that first and quickly. But there were lots of others I could have picked as well. At least with four if I don't like one it doesn't matter; I have others.

I visited the library after women's bible study. I was leading it and after an initial, um, frank exchange of views it went well. After Jesus rose he went to see the disciples and he gave them three gifts: peace, power and purpose. And I've come away with a clearer view of my own purpose.

The purpose of the church is to make sure people know about Jesus so they have the option to follow him or not but I believe there's a more individual purpose that we each have in addition. God gives us different abilities and talents and he wants us to use those. My gift is writing and I realised this afternoon that I really want to get on with the new autobiography I'm ghost-writing and to do that I need to make time. It's no good making excuses; time is what I need. 

I have time if I use it wisely. I didn't go to the study or prepare for it expecting anything myself so this clarification and new enthusiasm is a bonus.

Which is why I'm sitting here blogging instead of writing ...


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Ah , but you've shamed me into deciding to do something useful tomorrow ...

Jimmy said...

Sitting here blogging is not necessarily a bad thing because it is what you want to do right now, you are actually helping out your writing skills by doing this, if you force yourself to write when your heart isn't in it will end up with a less than perfect session.

Jay said...

Blogging IS writing, Liz, and you bring your wisdom to your blog, as well as a bit of practical Christianity along with musings on religion and the Bible. There are so many ways to get your message to where it's needed, and I firmly believe that 'Finding Life Hard' does pretty well in this regard. People who are not religious read it for the humour and self-deprecation, and along the way will pick up a bit of your philosophy and understanding of your faith, without being very aware of it, and because of this, you are reaching people who would shy away from a heavier hand. You may remember I'm a Quaker. Quakers believe firmly that their lives are their witness, and you show us your life here, on these pages.