Elder Son and family have been with us for a few days providing ES with the opportunity to play again with his Lego. Yes, it waves.
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I cleared it out today - well, I called Husband to go in the corner to get stuff out. Just in case.
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A while ago Husband gave me some brown pills. 'Take one every day,' he said. It wasn't until I'd been taking them for a few weeks that I thought to ask what they were. (Multi vitamins.) I am very trusting.
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I had a letter from the doctor inviting me for a flu vaccination (that's a word I struggle to spell). I was a little surprised as I'm not: 65 or over, pregnant, morbidly obese or suffering with any chronic complaints. Still if they were offering it.
I got there and the vaccinator said, 'Why are you here?'
'I had an invitation.'
'Tut, you don't fit any of the criteria.'
I thought she was going to send me away unstabbed so I used the 'I spend time with the homeless, drug addicts and my grandchildren' ruse.
'Okay,' she said. 'We'll put you down as a carer.'
(I would have been happy to pay for it but they couldn't take money and I'd got up specially early on a Saturday morning for it so I reckoned I deserved it.)
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Usually if one dog humps another the owners will exchange jocular comments. Unless the owner is the man I have always referred to as Old Grumps. Then he barely looks at me as he grunts what I suppose was meant to pass as a greeting. And, incidentally, George was the ... um ... recipient - unusually - today.
Be warned , when everyone at work who's not pregnant, ancient or tubby does get 'flu , you'll find yourself doing twice as much work .
Being diabetic and therefore vaccinated , I used to spend the 'flu season running about like one possessed .
And it hasn't stopped the coughs and sneezes!
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