Friday, December 30, 2011

Being me

The good thing about being me is that I don't realise what I've forgotten - until someone tells me. That's the bad thing about being in work; someone usually tells me. The god thing is that life is getting back to normal. I am no longer anticipating it but living it, which is always easier than the anticipation I think.

Another good thing about getting back to normal is that we can watch television - and hear what's being said now. When the children are with us they say, 'Turn the television down. It's too loud!'

And now I am sitting here at the computer next to an almost empty box of chocolates wondering if my dislike of coffee chocolates is greater than my desire to eat another one.

Of course there is always my store of Maltesers in the other room ...


Leslie: said...

I received a beautiful specialty box of chocolates for Xmas and I have not opened it - yet. But L suggested I open it for when we have friends over New Year's Eve. I'm terrified I'll try one, just one, and not be able to stop! lol

CherryPie said...

I have been trying to resisit too many chocolates

Suburbia said...

Christmas is lovely but it is refreshing sometimes to get back to normal :-)

Dragonstar said...

You can always send the coffee ones to me - I love 'em!