Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Houdini Hinds

I was just writing my ABC post when there was a knock at the door. A young man was standing there. 'Do you have a white labrador?'
Big sigh. 'Yes.'
'He's down the street.'
Another big sigh.

By the time we got to the top of the steps, George was sitting outside the gate looking the picture of innocence. I don't know what we're going to do with him. I shall have to keep him on a long bit of string.

When we were thinking about getting a puppy we considered a a bitch, partly because they aren't supposed to roam so much. When we saw the puppies all sense left our heads and we chose the most gorgeous.

He will be going back if he isn't careful. There's only so much that gorgeousness can compensate for!

(No, he doesn't believe me either.)


Kyanite said...

I'm glad George doesn't believe you. He sounds quite the pup.
A really good photo please.

Pets & pats to him from dog nut

Anonymous said...

Neutering will cure it. Did with a male golden retriever I had a few years ago. Seems drastic, but they never seem to mind or notice, other than it gives them a couple less things to lick.

Also, many people around here are using the wireless fences with good results.

I hope you are only bluffing when you threatened to take him back. You can't do that. Don't even think or joke about it!

mdmhvonpa said...

So George is Italian then, eh? You know ... 'Roman'. Roamin' .... HA! I crack myself up!

Liz Hinds said...

Blue, he knows he's onto a sucker with me really!

Of course I'm not in the teeniest bit serious, winston! He's loved far too much for that. Does neutering help if they're just looking for adventure not sex?

You crack me up too, mdm - listen - grrrooaaannn!

CherryPie said...

I think you need to install him with a tracking device ;-)

Neva said...

I have a black lab....neutering him helped but man, he is still a pistle! we Love him to pieces!