Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday Photohunt - Tiny

Last week I asked Husband for some ideas for the theme of shadow. He suggested taking a man named Richard around the cliffs in the sunshine. 'Then you've got Cliff Richard and the Shadow,' he said.

This week I decided to try asking Alun for inspiration. He suggested this:
Tie Knee. See?
What did I do to deserve such men in my life?
This is my real entry. Tiny: on the grand scale of life, me.



Anonymous said...

ha--that is something my husband would have done. funny. love the "real" entry

-tnchick- said...

tie-knee har har har! good one.

wow, that other photo - you really are super tiny! amazing.

CRIZ LAI said...

That's real cute.. a tiny knee tie on a huge leg. Wishing you a calm, happy and lovely weekend!

lissa said...

Very nice image. I like the clouds and the sandy ground combined together.

ipanema said...

lol...that's a good one. :)

I love your entry...great shot! :)

jams o donnell said...

Tie knee? so queit you could ahve seen a pun drop! Great pics

Anonymous said...

i thought the hairs where presented as tiny hehehe...

great entry for the top of the hill.

Anonymous said...

One nutty hubby! Love both pics!

letha said...

That's a great take on the theme, made me chuckle


It was nice of your husband to pose for you and "tie knee" that is funny. In your other photo, you are indeed so tiny. You are just like a speck in the dust.

Jonzz said...

Hi, first time visiting. That's a hilarious pun. Where did you take the second photo? It's cool.

Whirlwind said...

Thats a great take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

tie-knee.. nice twist

Happy Photo Hunting

jmb said...

Hi Liz,
My husband was as useless as yours but you did find something tiny that is very good for the theme. Mine's totally useless, just there.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful landscape photo, and it makes you look so small. Cute pun on the "tie-knee". Gave me a chuckle. Have a great weekend, and thank you for sharing.

PowersTwinB said...

PERFECT!!! I laughed till my sides hurt with your photo! Great hubby! My photo is up, please come and visit

Puss-in-Boots said...

You have very bright men in your family, Liz...right.

However, I do like the photo of tiny. It tells us where we are in the scheme of things, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

tie knee = tiny ?
LOL wahahaha...
you are lucky to have such funny men in your life... LOL

mine's up too... check it out...
have a nice weekend... cheers

Paulie said...

LOL I loved the tie knee . . . your entry was even better but the first was funny!

Come and see mine.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's a clever take on the theme, LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love the second photo. Wonderful!

have a great weekend! :)

Ingrid said...

Ha,ha,ha at least he has a lot of phantasy ! Now I prefer his idea then your (only) beautiful picture !

Lee said...

Hahaha...that is soooooo bad!

Ginabee said...

haha ... i like the second photo . .shows how tiny we are in the world.

Katya said...

Oh gads! To have a hubby with such creativity!!! hehehehe I love both photos. They *do* both exibit tiny! Love the second one. Super!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

LOL on the first shot. ;)

Beautiful second shot. Just awesome!

My tiny photos.

Joy Des Jardins said...

You are a teeny-tiny clever lady Liz.

Anonymous said...

What a good sport to show off his hairy knobbly knee!

-tnchick- said...

salt blocks are very important for a horse because most horse feeds are low in sodium and chloride. You offer then salt blocks and/or trace mineralized blocks that has other minerals. A horse needs major minerals and vitamins in order to remain healthy including adequate amounts of trace minerals. =)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Very good, both of them!

tapps said...

heh. cute.

alisonwonderland said...

both photos are great! i love the "real" entry! puts life in perspective, doesn't it?

happy photo hunting!

Andree said...

That is a great photo with the sand and you. The contrast is wonderful.

Jon said...

Really enjoyed visiting your blog which gave me a lot of smiles. Keep up the good work! Best regards, Jon on 7-22-07

lady macleod said...

At least the men in your life are funny, this is important. Will we be seeing Tiny Tim next (sorry could not resist)?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

*groan* LOL!

Very pretty second photo (not saying that first one is not!) Where was it taken?

Anonymous said...

Re: 'Tiny' on my post. He was a stray we found earlier in the year. We kept him hoping his owner would show, but didn't. He went to a good home not too far away. An elderly lady with two other Yorkies rehoused him.

A happy ending!

Anonymous said...

witty and well-executed piccies

Anonymous said...

I love the tie knee idea... lol

James Higham said...

I don't believe that's your knee, Liz!