Thursday, April 05, 2007

I hope there's no glass in this

Lest you think I am a complete disaster as a cook, let me show you this.

Yesterday was the birthday of one of what I think of as 'my boys' - lads from church who help me out and who live a long way from home. Because his mummy was far away I made him a birthday cake. Just look at the artistry in this:

Do you think I should consider a new career in cake decorating?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Daughter's dog, Holly, is at the vet's today for 'the op'. Daughter is in a state; I am fretting about both.
If you have a thought or a prayer to spare today, please direct it Devonwards.


Clare said...

Poor Holly dog. I hope she is better soon. Hugs from William, Darcey and Grace

Anonymous said...

Regarding a new career in cake decorating, yes, by all means pursue it, if that is what flips your lid. But I would advise keeping a day job just in case...

If you want to practice, you can bake one for me. Double chocolate with dark chocolate icing. Decor in whatever colors your trained eye would recommend.

Anna said...

Thank you for prayers... Holly is waking up and I am desperate for 4pm to arrive so we can collect her... my poor, poorly old bucket-head.

Anonymous said...

Hope Holly gives Anna a good night but I somehow think they'll be sleepless Devonwards tonight. These poor animals do not understand what has happened to them - we make enough fuss and we know what ops we're having!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Yes, I definitely think you should take up a new career in pretty cake-making, Liz!

I am directing my thoughts and prayers Devonwards right now.

jmb said...

Stark and pithy. But I bet he loved it and was totally surprised.
Good wishes for the dog, hope "the op" went well.

Colin Campbell said...

It is one of the most stressful things, animals and vets. Our dog Spotty broke his leg and had to have it fixed twice. Very confusing for a young terrier. We have a number of amusing pictures of him with his bucket.