Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Great Pin War

A war is being waged on Linden church property. A war in which the weapons are the sharpest known to man: needles and the tongue.

On Monday and Thursday we have patchwork classes in the building; on Wednesday and Friday we have quilting. (No, don't ask me: I thought they were the same thing too.)

Now the quilters are complaining that the patchworkers leave needles and pins on the floor. I ignored their complaints the first three times but, because we also find pins in circuits and getting a pin in your elbow when you're already in agony doing the plank isn't nice, I finally wrote to the patchwork teacher asking her to make sure she clears up afterwards.

She responded by accusing the quilters of leaving pins on the floor too. She proved this by collecting them up and leaving them on my desk with a curt little note. Quilters are now going out of their way not to be helpful to the art class that is also run by the patchwork teacher.

I am sitting back and laughing. Though why I don't know; I suspect it will all land on my desk in the end.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I thought the 2 crafts were the same too!

jmb said...

Well it depends on your definition I guess. Patchwork really could be defined as piecing fabric that you've cut into bits from bigger pieces into different designs. Crazy isn't it? But strictly speaking quilting is making a sandwich of three layers, top, filler and backing and sewing all three layers together using a running stitch or machine stitch if you are a machine quilter, which I am.
Pins used by both lots however. I'm always trying to track down my pins because I go barefoot in the house.