Thursday, March 29, 2007

All men are equal

Blossom lost his virginity to Me and Mrs Jones.

I said that to a friend but, after seeing her reaction, I should probably rephrase it.

That was just one of the fascinating things I learned in Zac's last night. I also discovered that Sean's baby has leopard-skin nappies. Sometimes not all conversations make sense.

I love Linden; I am very happy to be part of the church there. But, even with the best intentions in the world, there is a hierarchy in place. Some people are acknowledged pray-ers, others speakers; others have prophetic gifting. Some have great knowledge of the Bible; others are renowned for their hospitality. The rest of us tend to just be there. Part of the church but lacking a tag.

Occasionally we will have a speaker who will, again, make the point that each of us is equally important, all part of the body: that the person who cleans the toilet is as valuable as the person who preaches. We all nod our heads, but I wonder how many of us actually believe it. Deep down.

As far as the body goes, I tend to think of myself as the appendix: it's fine while I'm there - even though I don't do anything except be an occasional pain - but nobody will miss me when I'm gone. (Here I'm separating being part of church from being employed by the same church. Of course the work I do is vital: where would people be without the weekly notices?) (And I'm not feeling sorry for myself! Don't get me wrong.)

But in Zac's the ground is far more level. Each one of us, alcoholic or teetotaller, homeless or home-owning, burly biker or middle-class mum, is equal, not only in words but in truth. Each of us has something to give and to receive.

This must be what heaven is like.

Except we'll have left our scars behind.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Zac's place sounds my kind of place and a truly Christian one, Liz. You are a life-enhancing person and I only know you online! So of course the world will be a poorer place "when you are gone" as you put it - but that will not be for many years yet! Love and amicizia from Sicily.

Alex said...

We all nod our heads, but I wonder how many of us actually believe it. Deep down.

Try letting the guy who cleans the toilets go and see how many "preachers" you can get to give the message! ; )

Lee said...

I'm a 're-born virgin'...and by all appearances shall be remaining that way for quite some time! Drat! ;0

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Welshcakes! I'm sure you would love Zac's: it's full of characters and real life.

Alex, thanks for calling in. A very valid point you make too!

Okay, lee, we shall have to do something about that. All these men on-line - come on, let's get our heads together and find you a good one!

MissKris said...

It's a worldwide thing, Liz. Same thing in my own church. Ha, you should see the look of befuddlement on a 'regular' if a 'visitor' comes and sits in 'regular's' pew...'regular' doesn't have a CLUE where to go and sit! If more people would only read the Bible and realize Jesus loved and mixed with the sinners. Too much "holier than thou" stuff goes on where a charitable heart is supposed to rule. But isn't that human nature? God must sit in Heaven, heave big sighs, and spend a lot of time shaking His head at us every day.