Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday round-up

On the news the other night an American was speaking about their involvement in Iraq. In the course of the discussion, he mentioned the 'bad guys'. The bad guys? Does he think he's in a John Wayne war film?

It was on the PM news programme and the presenter picked up on it - in a very BBC way - by using the term himself but inserting "quotes" in his voice.

Another commentator on the same report mentioned that the Americans lost 4,500 helicopters in Vietnam (quite careless of them - are they still hiding in the jungle, I wonder) and that, currently the number of lost helicopters in Iraq is only in double figures. So they have a long way to go.

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Husband finished fitting the new light in our bedroom yesterday. After he'd done the switching on and off bit to make sure it worked, he tapped the metal arm of the fitting. I looked at him. 'Got to check it's not live,' he said.

Can't help feeling there's a fault somewhere in that reasoning.

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Alun has joined my Fantasy Rugby Team as Tactical Support Consultant. We have worked out a winning team formula for next weekend. It can't fail.

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On Sunday I was part of the team doing a presentation in the prison. That means that we take the service three times (for different wings).

As well as reading a monologue where I took the part of a drunken Welsh Peter (the disciple), I was doing the intro and link bits. In the third service, after we'd sung the song, Be still, and I'd said something about it, I called Clare up to pray. As she was coming up, I glanced at my order of service, and said, 'Oh, no, we're supposed to sing Be still first.'
She stared at me. 'We've just sung it.'
'Oh, yes. Okay, I'll just sit down now and you can ignore me.'

It was the third time and it was only 11.15 in the morning.


Elsie said...

Husbands seem to be wired with faulty reasoning. Our most recent, and my least favorite, when daughter declared, "Dad let me go up on the roof when he fixed the gutters. It was really cool." I think they're so smart that they lack good ole common sense!

Liz Hinds said...

I think you could be right there, Elsie!

Lee said...

I've given up trying to work out the machinations of a man's mind. It's an impossible task!

Anonymous said...

Apropos 'the bad guys' : wha't all this about a bomb in your town, then? It's even made the news here.

Liz Hinds said...

Bomb in my town?
