Thursday, July 13, 2006

Class swot

You see, I thought we were supposed to write a whole script by today.

So I did, even though it meant staying up till past midnight and getting up again at 7. Then when I got to my playwriting class, I found that I was the only person who had a completely prepared type-written manuscript. Class swot or what?

Of the three of us in our group, Ron had written a beginning and and ending and knew what he wanted in the middle; Chris, who said his brain was full of wool, hadn't been able to prepare anything; and I had mine. The trouble was that I had gone walkabout from what we originally planned as the way the story would go. So, in effect, we had two completely different scripts.

We talked about it for a while then we agreed that we'd stick to the original plan and work on Ron's. That was when the trouble started. Chris and I didn't like the ending. Ron called in the Big Gun, Binda, and he suggested that we did two scripts.

As mine was already done, I was marched off to meet the actors who spent most of the afternoon going through my play - yes, I saw my play performed, just like a proper playwright!

I came away with some suggestions for improvement, a sex change for three of the major characters, and a gran who wants to stand up and shout, 'Shut up!'

But apart from that I'm almost there!

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