Sunday, February 05, 2006

Why Mexican?

Quite often have to walk along a narrow bendy bit of road without a pavement to get back from our walk - or go on it. In some places there is enough room for cars to pass each other and us without hitting us but there's not in others. Add to that 'careful' drivers (mostly little old ladies) and our presence on the road often makes the traffic stop. It can be embarrassing walking along being aware that everyone is waiting for us to get out of the way. The trouble is Harvey doesn't care. Not that he could walk any faster if he did. In fact me trying to hurry him up results in a sulky backward tug on the lead.

It's bad enough if it's just one car but if there is one coming each way and they both stop we have a Mexican standoff. Now Harvs and I were discussing this on the way home today after such a standoff. Why Mexican? Harvs wanted to know. I had to admit I didn't know.
'Perhaps it's because the Mexicans are particularly polite,' I said.
'Or cowardly,' Harvs said. 'But I wasn't aware that they were renowned for either.' He is a very learned dog, and I had to bow to his wisdom.

So I looked it up when we got home. This is what it said.

"This expression came into usage during the last decade of the 19th century, most likely originating in the American southwest, although one reputable source claims that the term is of Australian origin. One possibility is that it may relate to the difficult and paradoxical social and economic conditions of 19th century Mexico."

So now we know.

I've just discovered that Scotland beat France today. In the words of Victor Meldrew, 'I can't believe it!' But as husband said, 'Anyone beating the French is a good result.'

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