Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Too much scattering

Apparently a report has said that, because of all the people scattering the ashes of loved ones on the tops of mountains, the soil up there is changing. That sounds very unlikely to me. Unless there is one mountain that is particularly popular for such sport. There can't be that many dead mountaineers. Or perhaps they don't mean mountains but hills. In which case you'd think people had better things to do with their time than comparing soil on hilltops. Can you get paid for that, I wonder.

I saw a woman doing my ideal job on television a few years ago. She lived in the wilds of Canada and was a driftwood collector. Which is what I am in a small way. But she did it big-time. Huge wonderfully-shaped logs - and I mean huge - that she exported to garden centres in Britain. How much fun would that be? Apart from having to avoid bears. But it was just her and her dog out in the woods and the water.

In Thrive when we have relaxation, Julian tells us to go to our favourite place. Mine is always with Harvey on the cliffs, looking out at sea. Jules says imagine the sun warming you but that is difficult as I always have my coat on as it's windy. But I like it like that. Fewer people.

Sad that we don't go there anymore as Harvey can't get in and out of the car now and he's too big for me to lift easily. Big sigh.

On a lighter note, I spotted this advert when I was googling for Christian magazines. I'm not saying anything about it just reporting its presence.

Christian Sex?Learn How Christian Wives Become Multi-Orgasmic. Christian Sex Guide

1 comment:

Anna said...

I saw dog ramps. Would Harvey be able to use one? I will try to find them again; they were in a catalogue somewhere. What do you reckon?

We don't have cliffs close enough for a weekday, which is also sad.