Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Meanderings and musings

On our walk we saw a fantastic bird. It rose up out of the undergrowth not five metres away from us. It was either a small buzzard or a large kestrel; I'm not too hot on identification. Amazing anyway.

Are holly trees without prickly leaves still holly trees?

Strictly speaking it was tobacco Sir Water Raleigh introduced to Europe.

Recently I have received two very funny but too rude to repeat here emails. One was a captioned photo; the other a slide show. I did email them to Alun in the church office. They amused him greatly but the only people he said he would consider sending them to were his brother and me (and, obviously, I'd already sent it to him). What does that say about his brother? Or me? Or Alun and me for that matter? Did we think other people wouldn't find them funny or did we think other people would disapprove of us?

It's not that they were obscenely rude you understand. They were hardly rude at all. Okay they were a bit rude but the thing that made us laugh wasn't the rudeness. It was the humour. Okay that's my conscience satisfied for today.

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