Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Cold-blooded woman

Collected my order from Sainsburys this morning. When the man brought it to me I said, 'Gosh, did I order that much?'
He shrugged and said, 'When everyone's at home you eat a lot.'
I didn't like to tell him there were only two of us.

On the way home I was feeling a bit flushed. The same feeling returned later in the day. As my throat felt a bit rough - and I have a rather sexy (I think) croak - I thought I'd take my temperature. Not for fear of corona virus, you understand, but since we have a thermometer now I felt I should use it.

'35.4' I said.
'That can't be right,' Husband said. 'Do it again.'
'Go and read the instructions. Make sure you're doing it right.'

I did and I was and my final reading was again 35.4. According to Google a temperature less than 35 can be hypothermia.

I don't think so.

My blood pressure is usually quite low so maybe I'm just low at everything.

In other news I can do nothing but sing the praises of Buzzsprout with whom I have my podcast account. Everything about it is simple, clear, works, and the support is fast and good.

Now all I have to do is promote my podcast. Making it is the easy bit.

* * * * * * * *
If there is such a thing as an ideal person to be quarantined then Husband and I would fall into the category.

We are fit and healthy. We are retired so don't have to worry about income or employment. We don't have any pregnant daughters, vulnerable relations, or elderly relatives to fret about. We have a comfortable home and garden, and easy access to both beach and woods for our - and George's - daily exercise. We have a full store cupboard.

I miss my grandchildren like crazy but in the grand scheme of things not seeing them is a minor inconvenience.

So it seems silly that I had a minor melt-down yesterday morning. Especially when it was all self-inflicted. 

I have all this free time so I'm filling it by giving myself too much to do. And then feeling stressed when I don't manage it. Stupid I know. so I've given myself a good talking-to, and today has included time wasted sitting in the sunshine reading. (If reading can ever be said to be a waste of time.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, my grocery bill has doubled -- not because I'm eating more (I'm not) but because I'm eating three meals a day at home seven days a week -- no more eating out or ordering in!

PipeTobacco said...

Thermometers are notorious for skewing. But you also have to keep in mind the standard body temperature reflects CORE body temperature. As you move away from the core we all cool. The typical way to handle the reading you get is to presume your “low” temp reflects normal CORE temperature.... and then variances away from it are significant.

Another factor that is always important (especially with the indication of low BP) is that you may wish to make an especially conscious effort to be certain to hydrate well. Often low BP and coolness can indicate mild dehydration.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Liz, I will do a blog post next Tuesday April 14 on my blog promoting your podcast reading of "This Time Next Year." I'll include a link to your podcast home page. I hope it will persuade a few of my readers to check it out -- I can and will recommend it highly!

May I also suggest that you might want to put on your own blog's sidebar a link to your podcast homepage? Right at the top where it's easily seen and accessed by your readers and visitors.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, sorry, I see you have such a link on your sidebar under "My Blogs"

Liz Hinds said...

I AM eating more, Debra!

That's interesting, Pipe Tobacco. I think I drink plenty of water but I'm often thirsty. I shall be more careful.

Oh thank you, Debra! That is so kind of you! I am looking at ways to make the podcast accessible but I have so many blogs I get confused!!

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

You're keeping impressively busy!
I've lost my puff today… everything can wait till tomorrow. So I'm just sitting watching the huge pink moon rise and hope it heralds a good month ahead.

Polly said...

no, no, time sitting in the sunshine reading is never wasted time, it's sensible as we never know when the sunshine is going to be replaced by clouds and rain!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Very blessed to have all you need. Why are you constantly filling your time?? If it helps you, I suppose its good, but if it stresses you, then no its not. Reading is NEVER wasted time. And sitting in the sun is wasted time either. Doing both is great. You need to find an easy read book. Clear your mind, put your phone away. And sit. Mind and body relaxing

Liz Hinds said...

The moon was amazing, wasn't it, Sonata?

Polly and Anne, yes, I found a light-hearted book to get lost in!

Marie Smith said...

Reading and writing keeps me entertained. And a walk of course.

pam nash said...

Big giant engine - the brain. It directs us to think all sorts of things that then move up the scale to alarm and panic. Deep breaths. Sounds like all is really good at your house.