Friday, January 18, 2019

George, Brexit and stockpiling

George and I were listening to an item on the radio about Brexit. I say 'we' but George had his eyes closed and wasn't really paying attention until someone said something about stockpiling. He lifted his head up and looked at me, 'What's stockpiling? And why are people stockpiling vital supplies?'
'It's buying and storing extra things, like food and medicine, in case it runs out.'
'Runs out?' He was sitting up and paying attention now.
'There is some concern that if we leave the EU without a deal there could be some shortages.'
'Are you stockpiling my food?'
'Why not? What if I run out?'
'In that unlikely event you'll eat meat from the butcher.'
'Like you eat you mean?'
'Probably cheaper cuts but yes.'

He settled down only to sit up again a few moments later. 'What about my treats?'
'No, I'm not stockpiling treats.'
'What if I run out?'
I shrugged.
'You'll have to give me people biscuits,' he nodded hopefully.
'No way. They're much too sweet for dogs.'
'What will I get then if I'm good?'
'An extra big pat and a word of commendation.'
His eyebrows would have flown off his forehead if he'd had eyebrows. 

We finally agreed that, if it looks as if the worst is going to happen, I'll buy extra treats. We're still in negotiation about when, how close to 29th March, I'll be doing that. George thinks I should get them now just to be sure; I'm thinking of sending him to talk to Teresa May. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We all have our priorities!

Liz Hinds said...

My secret store of Maltesers is growing weekly ... just in case.