Thursday, November 29, 2018

When you suddenly discover you've got someone else's foot

We learned a new exercise in fitness class last night. 

Hannah said, 'Sit on the floor, legs straight out. Lean forward, put your hands by your knees and then lift one foot after the other keeping your leg straight.'

So I sat on the floor, leant forward, put my hands on the floor by my knees then lifted one straight leg. 

At least that's what I did in my head.

In reality, I sat on the floor, leant forward, put my hands on the floor by my knees, told my foot to rise and ... nothing happened.

It was like suddenly discovering you've accidentally picked up a foot that doesn't belong to you. I'm fortunate in that most of my body does what it's told when I tell it so having a disobedient foot came as a shock.
'Foot! Why aren't you listening to me? I'm telling you to lift.'
'Nope. Not doing it.'
'What do you mean you're not doing it? It's not up to you.'
'Am I doing it?'
'No, you're not.'
'My point proven.'

It took an awful lot of will power to get my foot off the floor. Or is it muscle power? It was definitely mind over matter whatever it was.

And it looked so simple when Hannah did it.
Me fighting with my foot


Anonymous said...

How diabolical, Liz. You knew that each of us would have to try it, didn't you? Fortunately, I have my own feet on today so each was obedient; however, I really felt it in the front of each thigh - and neither foot came off the floor by more than a few inches. Thanks for giving me a new exercise!
Cop Car

Liz Hinds said...

I hoped you would, CopCar! A few inches is good. When you feel you've perfected that try lifting both at once.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, I've not perfected single lifts; but, had to try the double lift, anyway. Unable!
Cop Car

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

That struck a chord, Thursday being Keep Fit day. By the time I've cycled there these days, I just feel like lying down on the yoga mat and having a nap.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Well, given that it rained all weekend and I had nothing else to do, I tried this …
Yes, it's do-able but it gives me cramp and makes me hobble. What are the benefits?

Liz Hinds said...

I'm sure we'll all be lifting both legs easily by the time we've finished!

Flexibility and good for the abs I think, sonata.