Friday, August 17, 2018

It's man that makes me fat

Every year I say the same thing, 'Next time I go blackberrying I'll wear trousers.' Come the next time and I think, 'It's too warm for trousers; I'll be okay in my shorts.' And  when I'm up to my thighs in brambles and nettles I regret that decision. 

All the best blackberries are too high or too low - might have been wee-ed on. But we got a good haul.

Now I know I said I wasn't collecting any this year but what's a girl to do when there's free food available? I think it must be my inner cave woman coming out. Husband is out catching my dinner - brontosaurus steak medium rare, please - and I feel the need to whip up a dessert.

It's a well-known fact that men and women differ in that men have an extra chromosome; what is less well known is the fact that women also have an extra and different chromosome: the dessert chromosome. It compels us towards dessert.

I don't think i'm being sexist in this. I've done extensive research with a wide sample i.e. Husband and me, and have proved it beyond any doubt.

When we go out for a meal I know Husband would rather have a starter than pudding. Well, I'm not going to sit and wait while he eats his starter so I have one too. But I still have dessert. Because, well, it's there.

So, in fact it's Husband's fault that I'm a bit overweight. Or if we strip it back to basics and remember our genetic make-up then it's the fault of man. I knew it couldn't be my fault.

Gluten-free apple and blackberry crumble with oats and coconut

Apples from the tree in Daughter's garden


Ole Phat Stu said...

You're not fat.
Like me, you're phat.
It's just that people are dyslexic ;-)

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Any pudding containing blackberries is full of vitamins so is extremely good for you. And purple fruit and vegetables contain something or other that makes them even healthier so it's your duty to eat it.

Sharon said...

Looks good!
(Better for your thighs than chocolate cake)

nick said...

Dessert menus in restaurants are always so tempting, they're almost impossible to resist. Cheesecake, profiteroles, fudge cake, tiramisu, sorbet. I'd have them all if my stomach would allow me. I blame wife, her resistance always collapses first, then mine collapses ten seconds later.

Anonymous said...

When eating out, neither my husband nor I ever have room left for dessert; but, I admire the research that explains why I eat more desserts (between meals) than does my husband. He can eat one-half pint of ice cream while I can't leave any in the container!
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