Sunday, July 22, 2018

My oomph is back

I woke up this morning and my oomph had come back. Such a relief. I was fed up of wandering around like a soggy cabbage.

And with my new oomphness I cleaned the hall. Then Husband came along and put dirty painting rags on my polished surface.

It's a good job my mood has improved with my oomph.

On another subject, my charity shop visit wasn't entirely successful. Seeing a box of lego on display I bought it. It wasn't until I got home I remembered it was duplo that I was supposed to be looking for. On the plus side you can never have enough lego and it was a bargain.

I also bought an Abba cd and audio cassettes of The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts. Again it wasn't until I got home that I remembered I don't have a cassette player.

I've noticed two things about animal welfare charity shops: they sell books cheaply (3 for a pound - I still can't do the pound sign); and they have a great selection. From which I deduce that animal lovers must be keen readers too.

Love animals, love books - makes sense.


Ole Phat Stu said...

Liz, to get a pound sign you can write £ in your html.
That's ampersand, the 5 letters pound, and then a semicolon all bunched up together, no spaces.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh right, I shall try that. thank you, Stu.