Wednesday, November 15, 2017

One lovely black eye

Shoulder's much better today but I'm still taking it easy. 

Husband said, when I was in the toilet, he heard a door being slammed. I pointed out that what he heard was actually my head butting the door as I fainted. It's a good job I've got a big nose: it took the brunt of my collision with the door thus saving my fragile brain.
My 'black eye' looks much more impressive in real life ...


Jimmy said...

Your blood pressure may have dropped suddenly, I have had that happen upon standing and next thing found myself on the floor.

Liz Hinds said...

I think it was probably all tied in with the bug that seems to have gone around most of my family. My blood pressure does tend to be low at the best of times though.

Ole Phat Stu said...

If you are prone to sudden fainting/collapsing, dear Liz, always take your mobile phone with you when out with George alone, and have it turned on. That way, people can find you :-)

Liz Hinds said...

I'm not prone to it! Anyway George could always do a Lassie! Don't you start nagging; I get enough from Husband about taking my phone with me.

SmitoniusAndSonata said...

Alternatively, you could tie a cowbell to George's collar ...