Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The story of the violet photograph

Most of the violets were in the sunshine and difficult to photograph without getting a shadow but as we were nearing the end of our walk I spotted some in the shade. The only problem was that, to get a close-up, I had to crawl on hands and knees under the railing leaving just my bottom sticking out onto the path.

Yes, you've guessed it: as I re-emerged bum-first some German tourists walked past. (I knew they were German as I'd heard them on the beach previously. But they must have walked very fast and Germanly to catch up with me; I thought there was no-one around.)

There is a certain inevitability about my stories, have you noticed? Other people write stories of remarkable and wonderful things; mine always end up with me being a twit. I think I shall start making things up. Like rescuing old ladies from burning buildings. Or ... actually me just getting something right would be a good start!


James Higham said...

How do you walk Germanly?

Gattina said...

I am sure the German tourists were delighted to see a welsh bottom !

Liz Hinds said...

Very upright and quickly, James.

Hm, maybe, gattina!

Furtheron said...

Another thing that I've read today that reinforces my thought for the day... which is... rejoice in your fantastic humdrum life. Point is you saw the Violets and wanted to get the photo - how brilliant is that?

Your post on "the bit of the woods you can't capture in a photograph"... even if you were the best photographer in the world you still wouldn't capture it since it is the sense of wonder you feel when you are there that is the bit that is really beautiful isn't it?

Furtheron said...

P.S. shouldn't it be Germanically? :-)

nick said...

So did they laugh, or look the other way, or say "These Brits, so charmingly eccentric"?

Leslie: said...

Actually, writing like (and being like) a twit seems so much more fun than walking "Germanly."

Liz Hinds said...

I agree, furtheron! And yes, if such wonder could be bottled ...

Germanically? Yes, possibly but I prefer germanly!

I don't know, nick. I avoided looking at them and hurried off.

I think so too, leslie!

Jay said...

Hahaha! At least you didn't (and probably never will) do what my FIL did. He was bursting for a pee on a long lonely country road, so in the end, got out and stood at the back of the car to do what he had to do. On turning to get back in the car on completion of said activity, he was startled to find a coachload of tourists behind him, patiently waiting for him to move his car out of the way so they could continue along the very narrow road.

He was a little deaf. And quite a lot embarrassed. LOL!