Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Jesus might have had lasagne at the Last Supper

It doesn't say he didn't. He and the disciples might have tucked into platefuls of lasagne before he got onto the heavy 'This is my body' stuff.

Even if Jesus didn't have lasagne, it went down very well at Zac's last night. I received several invitations to take up the post of personal (unpaid) chef.

Best of all though was Jerry's response. He was so grateful and appreciative; it was very touching. And he ate 2 huge platefuls. That's the best way of showing appreciation to a cook.

Before we ate, Sean shared some reflections on Holy Week. If you'd like to read some of his thoughts, you can here.


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Jesus had canneloni at the last supper, but lasagne would have been good too.

Glad your wonderful cooking was recognised. I was thinking of you and your cakes today when I baked lemon sultana scones.

And now I am sleepy, because I only had lemon sultana scones for lunch. And to think I am a grown up!

Katney said...

Since it was Passover they probably had something a bit more traditional--but I'll go for lasagne OR canneloni, either one will do.

Gledwood said...

Mary Magdalene might have purchased boil-int-bag roast beef and pre-battered crispy diddly potatoes from Iceland. Then Jesus would be doubly sad to go. Not only would he have to bear the sum entirety of the sins of mankind past present and future, but he'd die knowing there'd be no chance of repeating said meal until after the Second Coming. Which is after Armageddon, so it would be a miracle if the world had a branch of Iceland left...

Eunoia said...

You mean the lasagne was the cheesy bit? :rethink: ;-)